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Talent Assessment: 5 Methods to Test Developers

Talent Assessment Methods

Finding the right candidate to fill a vacancy is extremely challenging. But, along this journey, there are some strategies capable of making the choice of HR more assertive, such as the adoption of talent assessment methods.

More than a good promotion of the vacancy and a thorough analysis of resumes, knowing the best way to evaluate candidates makes all the difference. After all, this provides a very important guideline for the professionals who are most aligned with what the company is looking for at that moment.

And since good signings are one of the first steps towards building high-performance teams, of course, you need to be on top of the best techniques on this front, don’t you?

So come with us, because from now on we are going to show you how to do a talent evaluation process!

Why are talent assessment methods so important?

In order for you to feel motivated to adopt some talent assessment methods throughout your company’s selection processes, first of all, you need to understand the great benefits that this strategy can bring.

Well, the logic is very simple: there are a series of criteria that make up successful hiring, and evaluation techniques help to validate a good part of them.

More than previous experiences and technical skills, organizations have increasingly valued what we call cultural fit, that is, the ability of a person to adapt to the values ​​and purposes of a company.

It may seem silly to some, but the truth is that problems related to the adaptation between an employee and the culture of a company are among the most common causes of dismissals (voluntary or not).

By helping to identify candidates who are most aligned with what the company is looking for in technical and behavioral terms, talent assessment methods are very powerful and significantly increase the chances of a successful hire.

In practice, hiring the right talent, resulting from this process, is synonymous with: increased productivity, reduced turnover rates, improved organizational climate, and strengthening of the corporate culture, among other advantages.

How to use talent assessment

How to use talent assessment methods throughout the selection process?

Evaluating talent well before hiring is key to increasing success rates!
Now that you have seen the importance of knowing more about candidates throughout the selection process, we can now talk about the main techniques that can be adopted for this purpose.

The good news is that there are a variety of strategies and tools for talent assessment. What will dictate which one is better or not will depend on what is most relevant to the vacancy to be filled by your company, ok?

That said, let’s go to the most popular methods:


The simulation technique basically consists of asking the candidate to simulate a situation that is usually part of the role he wants to occupy or, then, for him to tell how he would react in certain situations.

This method of talent assessment is used in selection processes for Sales professionals, with the aim of analyzing issues such as resourcefulness, communication, and ability to argue.

Still, it can also be adopted with professionals who will work in other sectors, mainly for the purpose of evaluating some specific soft skills.

Psychological tests

When it comes to assessing cultural fit, psychological tests stand out as great allies for HR, and, luckily, there is more than one possibility on this front.

Below are some of the most common tests:

  • Concentrated Attention Test (AC): assesses the candidate’s level of concentration even under pressure;
  • Time Management Test (ADT): assesses the organization’s ability to deliver tasks on time, and with quality;
  • Wartegg test: assesses candidates’ preferences and the way they relate to others;
  • Quati Test: evaluates which attitudes candidates tend to have in different situations, considering aspects such as introversion, extroversion, reason, and emotion.

Technical tests

The technical tests aim to evaluate the candidates’ performance in relation to the technical knowledge that is important for the vacancy, that is, the so-called hard skills.

In fact, they are super useful when hiring IT professionals, as opportunities in this area always involve very specific skills, such as mastery of programming languages, ability to analyze data, and knowledge of cloud computing, among others.

In general, technical tests are conducted in two main ways:

  • Through a questionnaire that aims to identify whether the candidate has the theoretical knowledge desired by the company and pointed out in the curriculum;
  • By solving a real problem or situation.

Group dynamics

Group dynamics can also bring interesting insights to HR. Despite generating butterflies in the belly of candidates, this approach contributes to the evaluation of behavioral issues in a very practical way.

Among the key skills assessed here is the ability to work in a team and to lead.


Finally, there’s nothing like a good conversation so that the recruiter can extract important information about a professional. That’s why interviews are among the talent assessment methods.

It is at this stage that HR and the area manager will be able to get to know the candidate more in-depth, complement some points that were left open during the previous phases, and, thus, define whether or not he is the ideal talent to occupy a position in the company.

It is worth mentioning that there are a few different ways to conduct an interview. It is possible, for example, to follow a pre-defined script (a technique known as a structured interview) or to conduct the conversation without being tied to a fixed questionnaire (a technique known as an unstructured interview).

If you still have doubts about the best way to act right now, we have a job interview article that can help. It’s worth taking a look!


5 methods of using talent assessment

Technology as an ally of HR in candidate evaluation methods

As you’ve seen so far, there are many ways to assess talent throughout recruitment and selection. But no need to be scared…

Although this is a process that requires time and dedication, there are currently tools that make the HR routine much easier.

Recruitment software is a clear proof of this, as they are capable of automating many tasks that are under the responsibility of the area.

For example, GeekHunter’s platform, exclusively focused on optimizing the hiring of IT professionals, is especially useful when it comes to evaluating candidates’ potential.

First, all programmers and developers who sign up for our database undergo intelligent CV assessments and technical tests in order to prove their skills. That is, they are already pre-evaluated even before being invited to a selection process.

In addition to having a highly qualified resume base, Geek’s solution also has a recommendation algorithm that is able to indicate the candidates most aligned with the needs specified in the vacancies.

Thus, all profiles registered in our recruitment software are automatically compared to the published vacancies and, when there is a “match”, the company receives a recommendation to evaluate the suggestion and invite you to an interview. Much easier, right?

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